David Levy – The Failure of Local Government Planning – Feb 19

When you think of planning it generally applies to new-build or retro-fit buildings.

I have just spent two days visiting all building sites in Wiltshire and have to report that not one house has solar power fitted to new-build as standard.

I am not able to report back on retro-fits, but I could see little evidence of any build that has taken their responsibilities to the Climate Change Act seriously.

Companies such as Persimmon and Wimpy have a responsibility which they do not take on-board. County Councils have given out planning approval without conditions and that is incompetence.

Likewise this week the Wiltshire Council Planning Committee gave approval for an incinerator plant which will kick out 160,000 tonnes of CO2 every year. A life span of 25 years will add a further burden of CO2 into the Westbury region of 4,000,000 tonnes.

This is criminal and goes to demonstrate that having Jane Scott (Council Leader) in the House of Lords and the role of the Environment Agency as advisor are totally futile and a waste of the public purse. Jane Scott knows exactly that she is leading Wiltshire in breach English Law.

These are a few examples of the failings of our elected members who are easily manipulated, and of officers who facilitate local industry over any public protection and adherence to the law.

They are at least incompetent and, dare one say it, at worst corrupt.

Make your own mind up, I am swimming in brown paper envelopes.

David Levy


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