David Levy – Who is avoiding their obligation? – Sep 18

The global picture about fish stocks and fish food security is in the science blocks in universities around the World and, as yet, the lead for World understanding from the scientific communities is not there.

This lack of a lead is a global problem that allows the fishing lobbies around the World to legally bully the politicians away from action which would create for the first time a steamroller effect for change and marine security.

Marinet has led the way in formulating a concept that would work — a paradigm shift in thinking that could be applied. But what’s missing has been the scientific lobby that could persuade the politicians to deliver.

When I think about those characters out there promoting eco-system conservation, they have fallen into the age old science based position of not going all the way and telling the solutions.

Until they realize that change will not happen unless they frighten the politicians into action, we’ll stagger on day-by-day with the wild-west we have at the moment. Words not backed up by enforcement, therefore empty air.

The picture is equally fuzzy from the constant reassurance we have from persons who are “national treasures” about abundance. The picture that needs to be told is of over-exploitation and falling and failing fish stocks. Unless and until this true picture makes for daily reading, we are still on the same trajectory.

What is also missing is a mass movement of concern coming from social media, universities, political grass roots and from anywhere that is focused and prepared to confront.

My generation had the hippy movement and we were arrested and stood up for change.

Current attitudes are self-centred and non-caring, and this will lead the world on a collision course with eco-system collapse.

It’s inevitable and sad for the planet. We should care for future generations. It’s our obligation and we are avoiding this.

The Montreal Protocol showed the world’s scientists that two lone scientific voices can be right and establish the means to solve the problem — and show that the establishment can be wrong.

I am convinced that Marinet is in such a position now, where the NGO lobby is black-balling us and sending us into the wilderness just because we dare speak the truth.

What a legacy they are leaving, but it is still not too late to change even now. The “but” is how long that window of opportunity will remain open?

David Levy


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