Our Fish campaigns to end over-fishing and to deliver sustainable fisheries management in EU seas. It is an initiative of Funding Fish, a registered charity in England and Wales. Our Fish published the following press release on 11th March 2019: A freedom of information request to the UK’s fisheries management body (the Marine Management Organisation) […]
» Fisheries
- Was the present collapse in North Sea cod stocks forecast in 2018 and ignored?
- ICES foresees the North Sea cod stock collapse in its June 2019 evaluation
- MSC suspends North Sea cod stock‘s sustainable fishing certificate
- High-Seas fish biodiversity is slipping through the governance net
- Who owns the UK fishing industry and its fishing quotas?
- How severe is the crisis in Mediterranean fish stocks?
- Baltic Cod stock now in critical condition: will it survive?
- EU still over-fishing over 40% of fish stocks, says Pew Trust
- Cornwall IFCA faces legal challenge over refusal to halt illegal commercial fishing of juvenile bass
- New fish farms in Iceland risk decimating wild salmon populations
- Update on High Seas Treaty proposals and negotiations
- New study shows how to protect 30% of the oceans by 2030
- Hundreds of Dolphins dying on French beaches, fishermen the alleged culprits
- UK trawlers are ignoring the ban on the discarding of fish at sea
- “Fishing For Leave” explains why EU Withdrawal Agreement is a “sell-out”
- Marinet publishes YouTube recording of its UK Universities Seminar
- PEW Trust reports on EU strategy behind CFP fishing limits
- World’s wild fish stocks continue to decline, whilst aquaculture expands
- Seahorse Trust launches a “Stop The Curio Trade” campaign in seahorses worldwide
- “Ghost” fishing gear is having a profound marine impact, says new report
BBC News reports, 28th June 2019: The assessment by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (Ices) says cod is being “harvested unsustainably”. It has recommended a 63% reduction to the available catch to just 10,457 tonnes and follows a 47% cut last year. A discard ban is being partly blamed which increases […]
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BBC News reports, 25th September 2019: The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) said certificates for North Sea cod fisheries would be suspended as stocks were below the “safe biological level”. A “blue tick” had been awarded in 2017, meaning cod could be eaten “with a clear conscience“. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) said the suspension was “devastating” […]
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With negotiations resuming at the United Nations to construct a new High Seas Treaty to supplement the UN Law of the Sea, we provide here an article by Guillermo Ortuno Crespos et al, published in Nature Ecology and Environment Vol. 3 pages 1273-1276 (2019) which seeks to cover the following issues: “States at the United […]
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Prior to the UK’s entry into the European Economic Community (EEC/EU) in 1974 and the establishment of the fishing quota system under the auspices of the European Common Fisheries Policy in 1983 UK fisheries were an open resource to UK fishermen. That is to say, UK fishermen could fish within and beyond the UK’s territorial […]
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In June 2018 the EU Commission reported that in the Mediterranean Sea, out of 47 stocks only around 13% (6 stocks) are not over-fished. These stocks were red mullet in the South Tyrrhenian Sea and also the Adriatic Sea, European anchovy in the Aegean Sea, deep-water rose shrimp in the Ligurian Sea and also the North Tyrrhenian Sea, […]
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DW (Deutsche Welle) reports 15th April 2019: NGOs are calling on the fisheries ministers of all EU Baltic member states to immediately end fishing in the Eastern Baltic. This follows a report by scientists showing cod stocks at a critically low level. According to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), […]
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Andrew Clayton, Pew Trust, reports 4th April 2019: The European Union is required by law to end over-fishing in its waters by 2020 but has a long way to go to achieve that, despite EU fisheries ministers’ claims that their agreed 2019 limits for more than 140 stocks show progress toward sustainability. Complicating the […]
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Cornwall IFCA faces legal challenge over refusal to halt illegal commercial fishing of juvenile bass
Fish Legal report 12th April 2019: Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority has been threatened with judicial review following a decision not to introduce a new emergency byelaw which would have protected juvenile bass from commercial fishing nets. The IFCA has been given formal notice by Fish Legal, acting on behalf of its member the […]
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The Guardian reports, 19th April 2019: A five-fold expansion in open-net fish farms that scientists believe could decimate Iceland’s wild salmon stocks is pitting Big Aquaculture against ecologists in the country (Iceland). Next month, a parliamentary bill is expected to extend farm licenses from 10 to 16 years, while omitting critics from oversight panels and […]
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Sciencemag.org reports, 3rd April 2019: No flag can claim the high seas, but many nations exploit them. As a result, life in the two-thirds of the oceans beyond any country’s territorial waters faces many threats that are largely unregulated, including over-fishing and the emerging deep-sea mining industry. Now, nations are negotiating the first-ever high-seas conservation treaty, which the […]
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Oxford University news release, 4th April 2019, reports: As governments meet at the UN to negotiate towards an historic Global Ocean Treaty, a groundbreaking study by leading marine biologists has mapped out how to protect over a third of the world’s oceans by 2030, a target that scientists say is crucial in order to safeguard […]
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Plantbasednews.com reports, 20th March 2019: Since December, nearly a thousand dolphins have been discovered dead on France’s Atlantic coast. Hundreds of dolphin corpses have been found washed up on France’s Atlantic coast, as a result of the industrial trawlers used by the fishing industry. The dolphins, who were accidentally caught in fishing nets, were reported to have […]
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The Guardian reports, 8th February 2019: Public backing for a ban on discarding edible fish at sea has been thwarted by the reluctance of the fishing industry and the government to put an end to the wasteful practice, the House of Lords has found. Discards were officially banned in January, after a five-year phase-in period, […]
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David Scullion, Brexit Central 18th November 2018, interviews Aaron Brown, Fishing For Leave, and reports on the UK Fisheries Bill currently before the UK Parliament. The Fisheries Bill is due for its Second Reading in the House of Commons on Wednesday 21st November 2018, the first time the Government has attempted to take back sovereignty […]
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Marinet is currently embarking on a series of seminars at UK universities in which it presents the scientific evidence and arguments for a paradigm change in the governance of human activity in the ocean, as explained by Marinet Member, Deborah Wright, in her publication Conserving The Great Blue. This two hour long seminar has been […]
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In a report titled A New Double Standard for EU Fisheries? The Pew Trust reports, July 2018: Management of cod and other species in the European Union is complex because populations are divided into various stocks, depending on location, and subject to a range of catch limits. The process has been further complicated this year […]
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The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN FAO) has published its State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2018, presenting FAO’s official world fishery and aquaculture statistics. Global fish production peaked at about 171 million tonnes in 2016, with aquaculture representing 47 percent of the total. In 2016, 88 percent of the total fish production […]
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The Seahorse Trust has announced in its latest newsletter that it is launching a campaign to protect seahorses from being exploited worldwide by the curio trade. This campaign is necessary the Trust believes because, unless successful, pressure on seahorse species globally from this trade and other practices e.g. fishing and medicinal use, will lead to […]
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The World Society for Protection of Animals (WSPA) has published a report which studies the profound impact that “ghost fishing gear” is having on marine animals. The report, titled Ghosts beneath the waves states: As fishing intensifies, more fishing gear is being lost or abandoned and this is contributing to our ocean’s plastic problem. It’s […]