Are legal requirements to be changed to delude the public from awareness of the true level of sewage pollution of our bathing waters? On 16th October 2012 the Foundation of Environmental Education (FEE) announced a “Major increase in safe bathing areas thanks to the Blue Flag award” and that “the public in almost fifty countries […]
- Waste Water Directive to be watered down?
- Innovative technology turns sewage into plastic
- Victory at last for sewage pollution campaigners at Whitburn, Sunderland
- Sunderland’s Roker promenade is experiencing seaborne sewage pollution
- Action (at last ?) on Bathing Water quality
- Blue Flag washed away
- Thames Tunnel opponents press for green alternative
From Waterbriefing comes news of this excellent methodology of recycling. A ground breaking innovation will enable turning municipal sewage sludge into raw materials, to be used by paper and plastic industries around the world. The innovative technology developed by Israeli firm Applied Cleantech will enable turning the solids in municipal sewage systems into raw materials […]
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Stephen Hughes, Labour MEP for the North East Region is celebrating the European Court of Justice’s decision against the UK government for non-compliance with EU environmental legislation in allowing sewage to be discharged into the North Sea from Whitburn (see full judgement here). Mr. Hughes pursued the problem of sewage in the sea as a […]
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We record here a photograph submitted by marine pollution campaigner, Robert Latimer, of the evident seaborne sewage pollution that now affects Roker promenade, Sunderland. This follows on from our story ‘Blue Flag washed away’, posted 19th September 2012, about the recent loss of both Seaburn and Rokers Beach’s Blue Flags due to sewage pollution.
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WaterBriefing Newsletter of 26th September reports that work is soon to commence on a £40m project to improve the ailing water quality of the Bridlington coast. This years heavy rainfall during the ‘bathing season’ has shown up the weaknesses of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOsCSO The sewerage system generally carries surface water from rain falling on […]
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The story of the loss of both Seaburn and Rokers Beach’s Blue Flags can be read from the Sunderland Echo’s website under the title ‘Water shame! Seaburn Beach loses coveted Blue Flag status’ at: Keep Britain Tidy has also withdrawn the Blue Flag from 14 other beaches for the same reason, i.e. excessive levels […]
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From the newsletter of WaterBriefing dated Wednesday, 12th September 2012, we discover that opponents to Thames Water’s plans for a proposed super-sewer are continuing with their efforts to push for a green alternative to the Thames Tunnel and are urging that consideration to be given to the green solution as adopted by Philadelphia in the […]