The Wildlife Trusts provides the Natural England (NE) report on the surge and flood impacts bringing about overtopping and undermining of numerous designated sites over 2013/2014 at Here is an excerpt: The coastal flooding of December, 2013 and early January, 2014 has affected at least 48 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIsSSSI Site of […]
» Flooding
- Designated Wildlife Sites damage
- Tackling Flooding – the 2007/60/EC Directive
- North Sea Surge impact along Norfolk Coast
- Norfolk Surge Damage
- Blakeney NNR future in question
- UK weather: British coasts suffer years of erosion in ‘hours’ of storms, says National Trust
- Impact of the North Sea Surge on the East Anglian Coast
- 1953 – a lesson that needs memorising
- Legacy of the great sea flood of 1953
- Flood and coastal erosion risk management schemes – Programme of works 2013/14
- New exhibition recalling the Norfolk Sea breakthroughs
- Coastal Loss at Winterton, Norfolk
- Memories of the 1953 North Sea Surge
Britain is far from alone with its recent severe bouts of coastal erosion and river flooding. Between 1998 and 2009, Europe suffered over 213 major damaging floods, including the catastrophic floods along the Danube and Elbe rivers in summer 2002. The severe floods of 2005 further reinforced the need for concerted action. Between 1998 and […]
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The aftermath of the devastating December North Sea Surge can be seen on Mustard TV’s short film at Mustard TV
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The surge damage that hit the Norfolk Coast on the evening of Thursday 5th December was the worst experienced since 1953. In fact along the North Norfolk coast facing the gale the sea was pushed to an even higher level during the storm flood peak sea levels as well as producing even bigger waves. The […]
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Those of you who have visited the National Trusts Blakeney National Nature Reserve on the North Norfolk coast will realise how precious it is (or perhaps now ‘was’) as a wildlife and faunalfauna The animals characteristic of a region, period, or special environment habitat. Sadly the severe North Sea tidal surge of Thursday 5th December […]
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From the Independent 21st February 2014: Some of Britain’s most famous sections of coastline have suffered years of erosion and damage in just a few weeks, or in some cases hours, as a result of the winter storms, the National Trust has said. The high winds and waves that have repeatedly battered the UK have […]
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The devastating North Sea Surge along the Norfolk and Suffolk coast in December wrought serious damage to many homes by wave overtopping, breaches to those sea defences that were present and underminement of the ground that residences stood on where there were only naturally formed marram dunes. Five bungalows were undermined and destroyed at Hemsby, […]
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A 1977 Anglia TV documentary depicting the damage and destruction wrought by 1953 North Sea Flood when the sea broke through the ailing defences at Sea Palling in Norfolk can be seen on the East Anglian Film Archive. It shows the aftermath and interviews some of the survivors telling a lesson our authorities with the […]
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It was exactly sixty years ago, in 1953, following the great North Sea Surge when the East Anglian dune defence system was broken through and three hundred people drowned. The government of the day resolved ‘never again’ and promptly set to work installing defences. But they had said the same thing following the 1938 Horsey […]
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Richard Benyon, Minister for DEFRA, responsible for allocating central government funding to schemes that protect houses from flooding or coastal erosion, announced in Written Ministerial Statements on 7th February 2013 the allocations for Flood and Coastal Erosion management schemes and works that will take place during 2013 and beyond. The Environment Agency have these commitments […]
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Following on from the successful ‘The Raging Sea – Lost Villages’ event held at Waxham Barn over the August Bank holiday weekend when nearly 4000 people attended over the 3 day period, the Raging Sea organising committee are inviting all to the forthcoming event. ‘The Raging Sea: The Floods Remembered’ – A special event commemorating […]
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The following aerial photograph taken by Mike Page (his copyright) shows the southern end of the Great Winterton Valley AONB, from Winterton-on-Sea (top) to Hemsby Gap (bottom) as seen at high tide on 13th May 2004. The Winterton Beach Café, still there thanks to North Norfolk Council’s earlier protective action in placing the undermined WW-II […]
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An Anglia TV film recalling the great North Sea Surge of January 1953 can be seen by visiting the East Anglian Film Archive. Pictures of the damage and interviews with those recalling the event bring to our attention that such devastation could soon come again, perhaps even this winter. The cuts in the sea defence […]