The Observer reports, 12th February 2017: Physicist Steven Desch has come up with a novel solution to the problems that now beset the Arctic. He and a team of colleagues from Arizona State University want to replenish the region’s shrinking sea ice — by building 10 million wind-powered pumps over the Arctic ice cap. In […]
» Arctic
- Proposal to refreeze the Arctic artificially
- Arctic sea ice declining by 13% per decade
- Greenpeace propose Marine Reserve to protect fragile Arctic area linked to fishing
- Arctic 2016 winter temperature is breaking records
- Shell withdraws from oil drilling in the Alaskan Arctic
- Walrus reflect changes in the Arctic’s climate
- National Geographic redraws its atlas to reflect Arctic sea ice change
- Could the World agree to no fishing in the Arctic Ocean?
- Scientists surprised by Arctic sea ice recovery in 2013
- Tropical weather systems are accelerating Arctic ice melting
- Arctic ice-melting affecting the weather in the northern hemisphere
- Arctic sea ice: profound seasonal changes confirmed by new study
- New evidence on Arctic sea ice trends
- Canada says “no new fishing licences” in the Arctic
- Copepod is “keystone Arctic species” as indicator of climate change
- Are walrus at risk from climate change?
- Further evidence of polar ice melting
- Arctic summer sea ice thicker and more extensive in 2013 compared to recent years
- Shell cancels plans to drill in the Alaskan Arctic this summer
- “Greenland is now at the heart of 21st century geopolitics” says Greenland PM
The Guardian reports, 18th August 2016: Ice scientists are mostly cheerful and pragmatic. Like many other researchers coolly observing the rapid warming of the world, they share a gallows humour and are cautious about entering the political fray. Not Peter Wadhams. The former director of the Scott Polar Research Institute and professor of ocean physics […]
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The Guardian reports, 3rd March 2016: Major British food brands and supermarkets buying cod from Arctic waters risk having their supply chain “tainted” because of links with fishing further north in the Arctic, Greenpeace has warned. An investigation by the group has revealed that suppliers of cod to Birds Eye, Findus and Young’s are using […]
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The Washington Post, 18th February 2016, reports: New data from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggest that January of 2016 was, for the globe, a truly extraordinary month. Coming off the hottest year ever recorded (2015), January saw the greatest departure from average of any month on record, according to data provided […]
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The Guardian reports, 28th September 2015: Shell has abandoned its controversial drilling operations in the Alaskan Arctic in the face of mounting opposition in what jubilant environmentalists described as “an unmitigated defeat” for big oil. The Anglo-Dutch company had repeatedly stressed the enormous hydrocarbon potential of the far north region in public, but in private […]
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Associated Press and report, 28th August 2015: ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Pacific walrus have come ashore on the north-west coast of Alaska in what has become an annual sign of the effects of climate change. “There appears to be several thousand animals up there,” said Andrea Medeiros, spokeswoman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service […]
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The Huffington Post reports, 6th August 2015: In yet another sobering sign that climate change is drastically altering our planet, National Geographic has updated its “Atlas of the World” in what it calls “one of the most striking changes in the publication’s history.” The 10th edition of the atlas now features a much smaller Arctic […]
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The Globe and (Canada) reports, 19th July 2015: After 100,000 years of frozen peace, the central Arctic Ocean around the North Pole is becoming a hotbed of activity. Scientists see the ice melting quickly — at least 40 per cent of the central Arctic Ocean is now open water in the summer — and […]
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The Guardian reports, 20th July 2015: Ice in the Arctic staged a surprise revival in 2013, bucking the long-term trend of decline, according to the first analysis of the entire ice cap’s volume. The revival was the result of cooler temperatures that year and suggests that, if global warming was curbed, the Arctic might recover […]
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The Washington Post, 13th July, reports: Relatively few tropical storms ever make it as far north as Greenland, the ice-covered island that straddles the Arctic Circle east of Canada. But the ones that do appear to be inflicting serious damage — and not just to Greenland. A recently published study shows that warm, tropical air […]
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The Guardian reports, 1st June 2015: The string of massive snowstorms and bone-chilling cold on the US east coast, as well as flooding in Britain and record temperatures in Europe, are linked to rapid ice loss in the Arctic, new research appears to confirm. While the rapidly-thawing Arctic cannot be held responsible for specific weather […]
Please do share this reports, 26th March 2015: “The 2015 Arctic sea ice maximum is the lowest on record. “Arctic sea ice has been in a virtual death spiral for over three decades now with serious implications for extreme weather, sea level rise, and permafrost melt. Not only has the surface area or extent of sea ice declined […]
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Dana Nuccitelli in The Guardian reports, 20th October 2014: “The National Snow and Ice Data Center has reported that this year we saw the 6th-lowest minimum Arctic sea ice extent on record. Research has shown that most of the long-term decline in sea ice, or the “death spiral” as it’s come to be known, is […]
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Canadian TV reports, 17th October 2014: “The federal government has implemented a ban on new commercial fisheries in the western Arctic until more research can be done. The policy, announced 17th October, has long been requested by environmental groups and follows a similar American decision that was enacted five years ago. “It’s based on the […]
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In an article in the October 2014 edition, The National Geographic reports on Franz Josef Land in the Arctic Circle. This archipelago of islands is a nature reserve under Russian law and host to a wide range of Arctic animal species, in particular, the little auk. The National Geographic reports: “The little auk feeds primarily […]
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The Guardian reports, 4th October 2014: A mass haul out of 35,000 animals on an Alaska beach doesn’t bode well for the future of wildlife dependent on the Arctic ice. Thirty-five thousand walrus on a beach in Alaska, rolling in filth and the carcasses of their kin, have become the unwitting new poster children for […]
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The Guardian reports, 1st September 2014: “German researchers have established the height of the Greenland and Antarctic ice caps with greater precision than ever before. The new maps they have produced show that the ice is melting at an unprecedented rate. The maps, produced with a satellite-mounted instrument, have elevation accuracies to within a few […]
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BBC News reports, 16th December 2013: “The bounce back in the extent of sea ice in the Arctic this summer was reflected also in the volume of ice. Data from Europe’s Cryosat spacecraft suggests there were almost 9,000 cu km of ice at the end of this year’s melt season. This is close to 50% […]
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The Guardian reports, 30th January 2014: “Shell has announced plans to slash its exploration and development spending from $46bn (£27.8bn) to $37bn this year and has ditched plans to drill in the Alaskan Arctic this summer. The cutbacks were unveiled by new chief executive, Ben van Beurden, who said they were part of a range […]
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The Guardian reports, 23rd January 2014: “Climate change, says Aleqa Hammond, Greenland’s Prime Minister, is placing Greenland at the heart of 21st century geopolitics. As the ice retreats, it is moving from being a non-player in global affairs to the centre of a new international resource rush. “Climate change and this resultant new industrialisation brings […]