The Guardian reports, 27th December 2017: “I’m like one of those old-school gangsters,” says Ralston Brooks, a park ranger on the island of Roatán off the coast of Honduras. “If you’re going to do it, do it. Pop a cap.” The 37-year-old boat captain says he faces regular death threats from local fishermen because of […]
» Global Warming
- Coral reefs – can the Honduran reefs survive over-fishing, climate change and pollution?
- Scientists are trying to lab-breed corals that are resistant to global warming
- Great Barrier coral reef : Is it capable of regenerating itself?
- Worldwide coral “bleaching event” eases, until ocean temperatures trigger one again
- Oxygen levels in the oceans are declining, say scientists
- Proposal to refreeze the Arctic artificially
- Huge Antarctic ice-shelf breakaway predicted, but “not climate related”
- Sea levels have risen more than earlier thought, says NASA report
- IUCN reports that oceans are disguising the full extent of global warming
- Shell and BP remain committed to deep-sea wells
- IUCN : Ocean surface waters warming by 0.1°C per decade
- Arctic sea ice declining by 13% per decade
- Microbes on ocean seafloor play a role in climate change
- Great Barrier Reef bleaching severest in its northern coral reefs
- A collapse in Antarctic ice sheets could raise sea levels by 2 metres by 2100
- Arctic 2016 winter temperature is breaking records
- Canadian NW Passage open to navigation in summer months
- Fish sensory abilities affected by increased CO2 levels in the oceans
- Oceans are the “sink” that is taking the brunt of global warming, say researchers
- NOAA reports that Arctic is warming at 2°F above average
The Guardian reports, 23rd December 2017: New super corals bred by scientists to resist global warming could be tested on the Great Barrier Reef within a year as part of a global research effort to accelerate evolution and save the “rainforests of the seas” from extinction. Researchers are getting promising early results from cross-breeding different […]
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The Guardian reports, 29th November 2017: A group of “source” reefs have been identified that could form the basis of a life support system for the Great Barrier Reef, helping repair damage by bleaching, starfish and other disturbances. Researchers from the University of Queensland, CSIRO, Australian Institute of Marine Science and the University of Sheffield […]
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The Guardian reports, 20th June 2017: The worst coral bleaching event in recorded history, which has hit every major coral region on Earth since 2014, appears to be coming to an end, with scientists now worrying how long reefs will have to recover before it happens again. After analysing satellite and model data, and finding […]
Please do share this reports, 17th February 2017: Oceans across the globe are slowly losing oxygen, which poses a major problem for every living marine animal and underscores the serious consequences of climate change, researchers say. A new Nature study published this week found that oxygen levels in worldwide oceans have dipped by more than 2% in the […]
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The Observer reports, 12th February 2017: Physicist Steven Desch has come up with a novel solution to the problems that now beset the Arctic. He and a team of colleagues from Arizona State University want to replenish the region’s shrinking sea ice — by building 10 million wind-powered pumps over the Arctic ice cap. In […]
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BBC News reports, 6th January 2017: An iceberg expected to be one of the 10 largest ever recorded is ready to break away from Antarctica, scientists say. A long-running rift in the Larsen C ice shelf grew suddenly in December and now just 20km of ice keeping the 5,000 sq km piece from floating away. […]
Please do share this reports, 2nd November 2016: Previous estimates were that global sea levels rose by around 5.5in [14cm] over the 20th century, but researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of Hawaii at Manoa now believe that is “highly unlikely,” and the true figure is closer to 6.7in [17cm]. By applying established sea-level estimates […]
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With regard to the effect that global warming is having on the oceans and the planet, reports on evidence presented to the IUCN (international Union for the Conservation of Nature) World Conservation Congress, 8th September 2016. The report, released during the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii, highlights the impacts of ocean warming on […]
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We provide extracts from two news reports which show that the two largest British oil and gas companies, Shell and British Petroleum, remain committed to a future which involves extraction of oil and gas from deep-sea wells. The Guardian reports, 11th September 2016: Royal Dutch Shell has started production at the world’s deepest underwater oil […]
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Bill McKibben writes in The Guardian, 7th September 2016: So, just as a refresher, it’s always good to remember that we live on an ocean planet. Most of the Earth’s surface is salt water, studded with the large islands we call continents. It’s worth recalling this small fact — which can slip our minds, since […]
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The Guardian reports, 18th August 2016: Ice scientists are mostly cheerful and pragmatic. Like many other researchers coolly observing the rapid warming of the world, they share a gallows humour and are cautious about entering the political fray. Not Peter Wadhams. The former director of the Scott Polar Research Institute and professor of ocean physics […]
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The Guardian reports, 6th May 2016 : Microbes are hardly the poster-children of climate change, but they have far more impact than polar bears on Earth’s carbon cycle — and therefore on our climate. A new study published in Science Advances finds that seabed bacteria and archaea (which look like bacteria but have very different genetics […]
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The Washington Post reports, 20th April 2016: The conclusions are in from a series of scientific surveys of the Great Barrier Reef bleaching event — an environmental assault on the largest coral ecosystem on Earth — and scientists aren’t holding back about how devastating they find them. Australia’s National Coral Bleaching Task Force has surveyed […]
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The Guardian reports, 30th March 2016: Sea levels could rise far more rapidly than expected in coming decades, according to new research that reveals Antarctica’s vast ice cap is less stable than previously thought. The UN’s climate science body had predicted up to a metre of sea level rise this century — but it did […]
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The Washington Post, 18th February 2016, reports: New data from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggest that January of 2016 was, for the globe, a truly extraordinary month. Coming off the hottest year ever recorded (2015), January saw the greatest departure from average of any month on record, according to data provided […]
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The Guardian reports, 12th February 2016: For centuries, explorers have sought to navigate the Northwest Passage — a shortcut from Europe to Asia that wouldn’t require sailing around the southern extremes of Africa or South America. For much of that time, the idea was something between a flight of fancy and a dangerously unapproachable challenge. […]
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The Sydney Morning Herald, 21st January 2016, reports: Ocean fish around the world risk becoming lost at sea if carbon dioxide concentrations in seawater continue to rise on current trajectories, a study from the University of New South Wales, Australia, has found. The study, published in the journal Nature, is the first global analysis of […]
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The Guardian reports, 18th January 2016: Ocean water has absorbed more than 90% of the excess heat and nearly 30% of the carbon dioxide generated by human consumption of fossil fuels. The world’s oceans are warming at a quickening rate, with the past 20 years accounting for half of the increase in ocean heat content […]
Please do share this reports, 16th December 2015: A new National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) sponsored report shows that air temperature in 2015 across the Arctic was well above average with temperature anomalies over land more than 2 degrees Fahrenheit above average, the highest since records began in 1900. Increasing air and sea surface temperatures, decreasing sea […]