Our readers will most probably wish to hear Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd by using the link – www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/2013/05/13/an-anniversary-to-remember-1503 and listening to the new BBC programme entitled ‘Shared Planet’ that appears each Tuesday at 11.00am for another 28 weeks: See www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b02xf2qg
» Whales
- News from Sea Shepherd
- Sperm whale dies after swallowing large amount of dumped plastics
- Report says Japan should “switch from hunting whales to watching whales”
- Sea Shepherd adds ex-Japanese government vessel to its anti-whaling fleet
- Japanese whalers confirm Sea Shepherd’s effectiveness
- Sea Shepherd launch ‘Operation Miinimbi’
- Evidence that beached whales in Scotland are “in distress” due to seismic testing in North Sea
A dead sperm whale that washed up on Spain’s south coast had swallowed 17kg of plastic waste dumped into the sea by farmers tending greenhouses that produce tomatoes and other vegetables for British supermarkets. Scientists were amazed to find the 4.5 tonne whale had swallowed 59 different bits of plastic – most of it thick […]
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Japan’s whaling industry is “dead in the water” and cannot survive without huge taxpayer subsidies, according to a study. The report, published by the charity International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw), draws on Japanese government data for the first time to build a case against the use of millions of dollars in public subsidies to […]
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Sea Shepherd reports, 10th December 2012: “After months of speculation, anticipation and the announcement that Los Angeles-based philanthropist and co-creator of TV’s “The Simpsons,” Sam Simon, had donated funds for the purchase of a ship, Sea Shepherd’s new Antarctic patrol ship, the SSS Sam Simon, was unveiled today in the port of Hobart, Tasmania, docked […]
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The New York Times reported on 2nd October that the Institute for Cetacean Research, the government-owned operation that manages the Japanese Whaling fleet, has confirmed that the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society cost the whalers $20.5 million in losses for the 2010-2011 whaling season in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Last season saw the whalers taking […]
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In their quest to save the whales Sea Shepherd have launched ‘Operation Miinimbi’ together with a campaign film. The article may be read and the film seen by going to: http://www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/2012/09/12/operation-kimberley-miinimbi-summary-and-launch-of-campaign-film-1437
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The website strandednomore.wordpress.com reports 3rd September 2012: “In less than 48 hours 3 mass strandings involved pilot whales and dolphins happened in the US East Coast and in the UK. As usual, whales died, were euthanised, some were rescued and some calves were stashed away for subsequent transfer to the Sea World. The media posted […]