We provide here a study by Marinet, June 2019, of the recent announcement that the UK Government has completed the listed of designated Marine Conservation Areas (MCZsMCZ Marine Conservation Zone) in English waters, along with a study by Marinet of the proposed United Nations Treaty on the High Seas and an associated report from British […]
» Campaigns » Marine Reserves
See below the contents for a brief synopsis of each item on this page
- When is a Marine Protected Area real or an illusion?
- Is the new proposed High Seas Treaty up to the job? Marinet commentary
- Marinet’s submission to the Welsh Assembly, February 2017, concerning the management of Welsh MPAs
- Marinet submission to EA on Bradwell FED permit applications
- Marinet evidence to Environment Audit Committee’s Inquiry into UK delivery of MPAs
- Marinet raises co-location principle for MCZs with UK Marine Minister
- Marinet’s MCZ submission to Defra – Feb 2015
- House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee’s 21st June 2014 report
- Marinet Press Release 21st June 2014 – Importance of Co-Location
- Letter to Environmental Audit Committee of the House of Commons 24th April 2014 and additional NGO correspondence of 30th April 2014
- Letter to Environmental Audit Committee of the House of Commons 5th April 2014
- Fisheries reform and the restoration of fish populations can be achieved by “collective rights” management regimes, says Prof. Arnason
- Recovery in species and habitat as a result of the existence of the no-take marine reserve in Lamlash Bay, Arran
- Marinet submission to the Defra public consultation on the delivery of MCZs in English seas, March 2013
- Evidence for MCZ designations, February 2013
- Establishment of Fish Stock Recovery Areas
- An Illustrated Guide to UK Marine Animals
- The Science of Marine Reserves
- European Scientists’ Consensus Statement on Marine Reserves
- Response to Outer Thames (OT) Potential Special Protection Area (pSPA) Consultation
We provide here a copy of the Marinet Commentary, April 2019, titled Is the new proposed High Seas Treaty up to the job? This commentary comments on the publication 30X30 A Blueprint for Ocean Protection published by Greenpeace (Germany) and Edinburgh, York and Oxford Universities (UK). The Greenpeace and associated universities publication proposes the […]
We provide here the full text of the Marinet submission Click here to view as a pdf
We provide here the comments of Marinet, 4th December 2016, to the Environment Agency concerning the application by Magnox Limited to be allowed to discharge waste radioactivity, heavy metals and nitrates into the Blackwater estuary from Bradwell nuclear power station (decommissioned). These wastes arise from the Fuel Element Debris (FED) process whereby metals parts and […]
We provide here the text of the evidence submitted, October 2016, by Marinet with regard to the delivery of Marine Conservation Zones by the UK Government.
We provide here the text of a letter, dated 13th March 2015, from Marinet to the UK’s Minister for Marine Affairs about the failure to deliver the co-location principle in connection with MCZsMCZ Marine Conservation Zone and the delivery of an ecologically coherent network of reserves.
We provide here the Marinet submission to Defra in response to its public consultation on the Government’s delivery on its next (second) block of Marine Conservation Zones in English seas, dated February 2015.
We provide here the full text of the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee’s 21st June 2014 report “Marine protected areas.” This Report is an important reference document, and contains electronic links to all the submissions and evidence submitted by interested parties to the Committee during the evidence sessions, both in person and by written […]
We provide here the text of the Marinet Press Release, dated 21st June 2014, about the importance of “co-location” and how it can be effectively delivered.
We provide here the correspondence which follows up Marinet’s correspondence of 5th April 2014 with the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee. Specifically: Reply, dated 22nd April 2014, received from the Environmental Audit Committee. Further reply from Marinet, dated 24th April 2014, to the Environmental Audit Committee. This consists of: a: A covering letter from […]
We provide here a copy of the Marinet letter, dated 5th April 2014, to the Environmental Audit Committee of the House of Commons which asks that supplementary questions be submitted in writing to the Defra Minister, George Eustice MP, about the delivery of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZsMCZ Marine Conservation Zone).
We provide here a summary of the paper presented by Professor Ragnar Arnason, Iceland University, to the 2013 ICES Conference. This paper outlines the measures, procedures and thinking necessary to restore global fisheries to health, and encompasses the idea of “collective rights” entitling communities to own access to fish stocks and to thus have an […]
We provide here a summary entitled Lamlash Bay NoTakeZone research results Sept 2013, published by the Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST), which records the significant level of recovery in species and habitat as a result of the existence of the no-take marine reserve in Lamlash Bay, Arran. The reserve has now been established for […]
We provide below the full text of this submission or download as a PDF.
The UK government is claiming that of the 127 Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) currently submitted to the Minister by his statutory advisors for designation only 31 are presently fit for purpose – and that further scientific evidence is still required for the official designation of the remaining 96 recommended MCZ sites.
A report recommending that “fish stock recovery areas” covering between 10-20% of territorial seas of EU Member States be established.
An in-depth illustrated guide to the various types of marine animals to be found in British seas.
Providing the latest scientific information about no-take marine reserves, reporting peer-reviewed research from throughout Europe and globally.
European Scientists’ Consensus Statement on Marine Reserves, launched and led by Callum Roberts, Professor of Marine Conservation at York University, has been drafted in an effort to bring together the European community of marine scientists in affirming the need for marine reserves and express our profound concern over the lack of progress in implementing marine […]
A well worded response to the Outer Thames pSPA consultation by Fisherman Chris Wightman acting on behalf of the Anglian Fishermen’s Association.