We provide here the link to an item published by Furnacecompare.com, 2nd June 2017, which records the history of the Pelamis Waver Power project, along with its current ongoing commercial development.
» Campaigns » Renewable Energy
See below the contents for a brief synopsis of each item on this page
- Pelamis Wave Power: Company insolvent, but technology continues
- Erosion threatens Scroby windfarm stability
- Seal of Approval for Windfarms
- Renewable Energy World International
- The London Array: the world’s largest offshore wind farm
- Offshore Wind Farms
- Mega-windfarm coming to offshore Norfolk
- Fuel from the seabed
- Severn Tidal Power Consultation
- Power from Tidal Currents — grossly undervalued
- Proposed Wash Barrage
- Proposed Wash Barrage
- Britain’s first Tidal power farm — off Anglesey coast
- Could sea power solve the energy crisis?
- Tidal Power for the UK — the Severn Estuary debate
- Tidal News for MARINET — How will the Commission report?
- Technological Advance in Generating Electricity from Tides
- Climate Change and the Marine Environment Nov 06
- Wave & Tidal Power in the Severn?
- Wave & Tidal Technology Symposium
The continuing dredging of aggregate in close proximity to the Scroby wind turbines has brought about a considerable reduction to the Scroby Sandbank and loss of the seabed, to the extent that the wind turbines embedded nearby are now threatened with instability. Three years ago the deeply entrenched power line taking the generated power from […]
Since their construction, the eighty-eight wind turbines of Sheringham Shoalshoal A sandbank or sandbar that makes the water shallow windfarm off the North Norfolk Coast have come under fire from critics, some of them claiming that their views from Blakeney Point have been spoilt and others that they would inhibit the fishing and wildlife of […]
We provide here the text of an article published by Renewable Energy World International, 30th August 2012, which provides a thorough review of the main companies now developing marine renewable energy technologies in UK seas. Both the range of technologies and their potential are considerable.
As Britain strives to meet European renewable energy targets, the world’s largest offshore wind farm is rising from the waves off the coasts of Kent and Essex.
article in The Daily Telegraph Saturday Magazine, 28th July 2012, author Edward Platt, which reports on the near completion of the London Array offshore windfarm, the world’s largest, and the current condition of the UK offshore wind energy industry.
A comprehensive listing of all UK offshore wind farms, those now operational, now under construction, approved, withdrawn after approval or after submission, submitted and site awarded can be seen by visiting www.bwea.com/ukwed/offshore.asp
Approval is imminent for a £100 billion investment into third-generation windfarms that will include 1,000 turbines to be placed by Scottish Power and Sweden’s state-owned Vattenfall 15 miles off the Norfolk coast. But construction of the massive project may not start until 2018.
There are plans to generate a synthetic fuel gas by gently burning coal deposits under the seabed of North and North-East Norfolk and other UK coastal areas.
The government is consulting not about a final decision, but over which projects should be taken forward on the shortlist for further study — or which ones should be added. Marinet supports much opinion and local people in large majority who want the “megabarrage” dropped from the shortlist.
The Carbon Trust’s Future Marine Energy (January 2006) gave a low figure for the total UK resource and relatively high costs for power from marine currents. How reliable are its projections?
The proposal to construct a barrage across The Wash has brought about a whole new debate over the apparent conflict of interests between those who wish to see protection of people and property as Global Warming escalates sea rise, and those who wish to maintain such an internationally important wetland site free from damage.
The proposal to construct a barrage across The Wash has brought about a whole new debate over the apparent conflict of interests between those who wish to see protection of people and property as Global Warming escalates sea rise, and those who wish to maintain such an internationally important wetland site free from damage.
Npower Renewables have teamed up with Marine Current Turbines (MCT) to propose seven tidal current turbines generating 1.5 MW three km north-west of the coast of the Anglesey in an area known as the Skerries.
Research being conducted at Southampton University into marine renewable energy technology believes that a system developed by the French inventor Georges Claude in the 1920s could provide all the electricity and hydrogen that we need globally, along with large amounts of desalinated water.
Should we be building tidal barrages, tidal lagoons or marine current turbines in the Severn estuary and around UK coasts? Which technology is best, offering cost-efficient and reliable electricity generation and an acceptable environmental impact? This article looks at the facts and myths in this important debate.
The Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) aims to report on its tidal power studies early in October 2007.
Significant developments announced in the technology for generating electricity from tides and tidal currents in the UK.
Report of the Coastal Futures conference
“best prospect is tidal current turbines” — Barry & Vale FoE contribute to the debate
Organised in Bristol, 13th July 2006, by the Renewable Energy Association