We provide here a link to a YouTube webinar recording (1 hour in length) which gives an insight into the rate and impact of sand mining on the River Mekong, Vietnam. This is an academic seminar, presented by Dr. Chris Hackney, Newcastle University. It confirms that sand mining of rivers in SE Asia […]
» Campaigns » Marine Aggregate Dredging
See below the contents for a brief synopsis of each item on this page
- The rates and impacts of sand mining in the Lower Mekong River, Vietnam
- How Zurich, Switzerland, has blazed a trail for Recycled Concrete
- Illegal sand mining is ruining these countries’ ecosystems
- What Are The Dangers Of Deep Sea Mining
- MARINET’s video on The Impact of Offshore Aggregate Dredging – Part 3
- MARINET’s video on The Impact of Offshore Aggregate Dredging – Part 2
- We’re Listening – A new perspective emerging in marine dredging
- Reply received from Historic England to about Goodwin Sands magnetometer survey, June 2017
- Marinet summarises Archaeological Record for Goodwin Sands ahead of magnetometer report
- Marinet writes to Historic England about Goodwin Sands magnetometer survey, June 2017
- Details of Marinet’s legal arguments to prevent the dredging of Goodwin Sands for aggregate
- MMO approves aggregate dredging in the Kingmere MCZ, West Sussex (Area 453 and 488)
- Marinet makes second submission to the MMO over plan to dredge Goodwin Sands rMCZ
- Marinet submission to MMO over aggregate dredging application at Goodwin Sands
- Aggregate Companies seek licence from MMO to dredge Kingmere MCZ
- ‘Marinet Special’ on Alternative Aggregate to Marine Sand : Interim Progress Report
- Marine Aggregate Extraction – The Need to Dredge : Fact or Fiction?
- Scientific Studies from around the world on the erosion resulting from offshore sand and gravel dredging
- Further evidence of dredging induced coastal erosion
- Marine Aggregate Dredging statistics
This is a copy of an article published by Bloomberg CityLab + Green, 27th September 2021. It records how cities, particularly Zurich in Switzerland, are now trying to make all new concrete buildings be constructed from recycled aggregate. In 2002 Zurich built a school using 80% recycled aggregate, in 2005 the city’s government […]
This is a 30 minutes video report by Vice News which reports on the sand mining taking place in Bangladesh’s rivers. This river mining for sand is taking place on a massive scale, much of it being conducted illegally. It is having a profound ecological impact on the country’s rivers. Whilst […]
Deep in the ocean lie what some say are crucial resources for expanding the world’s renewable energy. The discovery of mineral riches in the deep-sea has sparked a mining mania, but also concern about environmental impact. Mining companies are hoping to gather metals and minerals called polymetallic nodules which contain manganese and cobalt, elements that […]
MARINET’s 24 minute video presentation on Marine Aggregate Dredging providing a balanced view from all stakeholders, can be seen by clicking below. Although some of content is now several years old, the points of view remain topical. It is presented in three parts which may be played sequentially or individually.
MARINET’s 24 minute video presentation on Marine Aggregate Dredging providing a balanced view from all stakeholders, can be seen by clicking below. Although some of content is now several years old, the points of view remain topical. It is presented in three parts which may be played sequentially or individually.
We present here an article by David Levy, titled We’re Listening – A new perspective emerging in marine dredging which reports on the publication by the Central Dredging Association, June 2019, of a new industry manual “Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure”.
Reply received from Historic England, 26th June 2017, regarding the proposed dredging project within the Goodwin Sands. Area 521 Historic England response to 04 and 06 June letters 26 June 17
We provide here the Report written by Marinet, July 2017, which summarises the known archaeological record relating to the South Goodwin Sands and the issues involving this record due to the Dover Harbour Board’s aggregate dredging application.
We provide here links to two letters sent to Historic England, 4th and 6th June 2017, expressing observations and reservations about the magnetometer survey being conducted by the Dover Harbour Board in connection with its application to the MMO for permission to dredge the Goodwin Sands for aggregate. Letters to Historic England (pdf format) 4th […]
We provide here the text of the legal arguments presented by Marinet on 22nd February 2017 to, firstly, the Ministry of Defence; secondly, to the Marine Management Organisation; and thirdly, to the Dover Harbour Board. Area 521 Bindmans to MOD final 22 Feb 17 Area 521 Bindmans to MMO final 22 Feb 17 Area […]
The MMO has advised Marinet in a letter dated 14th November 2016 of its decision to allow aggregate dredging in the Kingmere MCZMCZ Marine Conservation Zone, West Sussex (Area 453 and 488), and in this letter the MMO offers its assessment of Marinet’s concerns submitted to the MMO in January 2016 https://www.marinet.org.uk/campaign-article/aggregate-companies-seek-licence-from-mmo-to-dredge-kingmere-mcz. This letter from […]
We provide here the full text of a second submission by Marinet, dated 7th November 2016, to the Marine Management Organisation about the Dover Harbour Board’s application to dredge the Goodwin Sands rMCZ for sand to be used as construction material in the redevelopment of the Port of Dover’s western docks.
We provide here the Marinet submission, July 2016, to the Marine Management Organisation in respect of the application by the Dover Harbour Board to dredge 2.5 million m3 of sand from South Goodwin Sands in order to provide infill material for its Western Docks Revival Scheme. The Goodwin Sands is a recommended Marine Conservation Zone […]
We provide here the submission which Marinet has made, 8th January 2016, to Her Majesty’s Government’s Marine Management Organisation in respect of the licence application by Cemex UK and Tarmac Marine to be allowed to extract (dredge) sand and gravel from the seabed over the next 15 years from two sites, Area 453 and 488, […]
We provide here an Interim Progress Report, December 2015, on the reception given by the industry, government, the statutory nature conservation agency, and the licence regulator to Marinet’s proposal to substitute ‘manufactured sand’ from waste quarry rocks for sand dredged from the seabed. Marine Aggregate Extraction — The Need to Dredge : Fact or Fiction? […]
MARINE AGGREGATE EXTRACTION THE NEED TO DREDGE : FACT OR FICTION? September 2015 View article as a pdf document 1 BACKGROUND Sand is a critical component in the manufacture of concrete which is, of course, a vital building material in the construction industry. The United Kingdom is almost the only developed economy which is still […]
Based mainly upon computerised assumptive ‘research’ made by those selected, appointed and paid for by the dredgers themselves, the British Government continues to claim that they are unaware of any evidence linking offshore sand and aggregate dredging with the rapidly increasing loss of our shoreline. But well founded evidence of the impact exists from researched […]
Tyndal Working Paper 97 of December 2006 authored by Mike Walkden and P.K. Stansby, entitled ‘The effect of dredging off Great Yarmouth on the wave conditions and erosion of the North Norfolk Coast’ (including all references). It is a research paper by the Crown Estate, prepared in conjunction with ABPMer, British Geological Survey and HR […]
The Crown Estate and BMAPA have provided the following information graphing the area of the UK seabed licensed for aggregate dredging and showing the total area dredged from 2008 until 2012. The overall take appears to be reducing, as has that taken from offshore Great Yarmouth, as it seems to be moving more now to […]