The latest ‘Fishing Focus’ published by DEFRA and the Marine Management Organisation (which can be read in full here) comments on the new licensing requirements for dredging emanating from the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, which (other than very small scale maintenance dredging) has now made licensing of navigational dredging a legal requirement from […]
» Dredging
- Navigational Dredging Licensing
- Underwater gold rush sparks fears of ocean catastrophe
- Crown Estate Dredging Statistics 1998-2007
- Impact of the North Sea Surge on the East Anglian Coast
- Dredging equations
- Australian government approves new port dredging near Great Barrier Reef
- Major North Sea Surge impacts Hemsby
- Further objection to MMO licensing further dredging off Great Yarmouth
- Dredging Impact on Fish Stocks
- MMO considering aggregate applications to extract over 108 million tonnes from the seabed off Great Yarmouth
- New licensing requirements for dredging
- Great Yarmouth MP to write to Minister about a levy on aggregate companies to pay for coastal defences
- Marinet responds to new Marine Aggregate licence applications for Great Yarmouth Areas 242, 361A/B/C and 328A
- Marinet responds to new Marine Aggregate licence applications for Great Yarmouth Areas 401/2 A/B
- Marinet asks MMO to examine the validity of E. Anglian “wave model” for offshore aggregate dredging licences
- Marinet responds to new Marine Aggregate licence applications for Great Yarmouth Areas 212, 240 and 328 B/C
- Marinet tells MMO “to evaluate the truth of evidence” in aggregate dredging licence application
- Marinet challenges the need and impact of marine aggregate dredging
- Objections to Dredging Licence renewal offshore to Great Yarmouth
- Australia’s Great Barrier Reef could be on the “danger list”
From The Guardian, 2nd March 2014: This is the last frontier: the ocean floor, 4,000 metres beneath the waters of the central Pacific, where mining companies are now exploring for the rich deposits of ores needed to keep industry humming and smartphones switched on. The prospect of a race to the bottom of the ocean […]
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The Crown Estate have released their official marine dredging statistics covering the nineteen years 1998-2007. Area Licensed: The area of seabed licensed decreased by a net 387.09km2, with the greatest reductions occurring within 12 nautical miles of the coast. 749.84km2 of licensed area was surrendered. 362.44km2 of new area was licensed, the majority of which […]
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The devastating North Sea Surge along the Norfolk and Suffolk coast in December wrought serious damage to many homes by wave overtopping, breaches to those sea defences that were present and underminement of the ground that residences stood on where there were only naturally formed marram dunes. Five bungalows were undermined and destroyed at Hemsby, […]
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In a quest to find some realistic and meaningful comparisons for the 230,000,000 tonnes ( 143 Million cubic metres ) of aggregates so far dredged offshore to Great Yarmouth alone, here are what are some rather surprising facts that came forth from members of our local coastal group:- The volume dug out to create the […]
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The Guardian reports, 10th December 2013: “The Australian environment minister, Greg Hunt, has approved controversial dredging off the Queensland coast that will help create one of the world’s largest coal ports, while imposing some of the “strictest conditions in Australian history” to safeguard the health of the Great Barrier Reef. Hunt said he would allow […]
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The biggest North Sea surge since 1953 hit the East Anglian Coastline overnight on 5th December, resulting in flooding, loss of habitation and much damage to the homes at Hemsby Marrams, when the high tide brought in waves to further erode the dune foundations they were built on. A deep barometric low off eastern Scotland […]
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Rather an elongated communication, but felt to be necessary to spell out the details so as to fully cover our concerns and to contain sections that could be used by others objecting to this latest application. ======================================== Friday 15th November 2013 Dear Monika Van Wyk, I write as founder chairman of MARINET, also as an […]
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Ray Drabble has just had the following news article published in Marine Pollution Bulletin. His efforts to get this on the agenda for Coastal Futures sadly failed. Similarly MMO and CEFAS have been very dismissive about considering fresh evidence that challenges their stated position. ============================================ Strategic Scoping Report and dredging effects The U.K. Marine Management […]
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Currently this year there are already three new marine aggregate dredging licence applications for sites offshore from Great Yarmouth, the applicant in each case being Hanson Aggregates Ltd (MLA/2013/00119, MLA/2013/00306, MLA/2013/00338), all these viewable on the Marine Management Organisation website. These three applications alone wish to extract up a total of 86 million tonnes (ca. […]
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The latest ‘Fishing Focus’ can be read from Judged not on merits but on expediency Those who work from ports and harbours requiring dredging are being encouraged to read new guidance produced by the MMO. This covers regulatory changes which may affect people carrying out dredging from April 2014. Under the Marine and Coastal […]
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Marinet member, Mike King, has written to his Member of Parliament, 14th October 2013, to ask whether the offshore marine aggregate dredging companies should be required to pay a levy in order to pay for the coastal defences along the East Anglian coast which are now being required, with a real degree of urgency, in […]
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Correspondence regarding this dredging application is available here.
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Correspondence regarding this dredging application is available here.
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In correspondence with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), commencing in June 2013 and still current, Marinet has asked the MMO to examine with care the validity of the wave model being employed by the aggregate companies in order to justify new and existing offshore dredging licences in the Great Yarmouth area. The wave model is […]
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A list of the correspondence regarding this dredging application can be seen on the Marine Aggregate Dredging section here.
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Following advice received on 2nd August 2013 from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) that the MMO had commenced its evaluation of the licence application by Hanson Aggregates Marine Ltd in respect of Areas 212, 240 and 328B and C off Great Yarmouth, Marinet has replied on the same date to tell the MMO how important […]
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At a time when the marine aggregate industry is continuing to re-apply for renewed licences to extract sand and gravel from the sea bed off Great Yarmouth, East Anglia — specifically at the present time Areas 212, 240, 328B and C by Hanson Marine Aggregates Ltd, see map below — Marinet asserts and wants it […]
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As you already will well know a notice of an application for renewal of a licence to further dredge off Great Yarmouth was placed in the local newspaper immediately following the massive loss of coastline, dune defences and beaches in April. Needless to say, considerable resistance has arisen in all quarters. Here as samples are […]
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It might be regarded as some sort of sick joke that the Great Barrier Reef happens to nestle beside the heart of Australia’s fossil fuel export boom. When the coal ships leave the Queensland ports, the two become one as the captains make passage through the 2300 kilometre/1430 mile-long reef – the world’s largest. Now […]