Hemsby beach has been subject to intermittent erosion ever since large scale offshore dredging has been ongoing since the 1970’s at the rate of over 10,000,000 metric tonnes of take every year. Over seventy bungalows have already been lost along with 150 metres of fronting dune over the last 20 years. Prior to dredging, […]
» Dredging
- Concrete plan to save Hemsby from the Sea
- Marine Dredging Consents
- Coastal Erosion threatens North Eastern Norfolk housing
- Lifeboats hit by escalating erosion
- Stable shores and sustainable sand production
- Surfers oppose plans to mine the Cornish seabed
- Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall renews his campaign to protect the seabed
- Marinet campaigns for protection of East Anglian coastal SSSI
- The demise of Scroby Island
- Recent Coastal Loss of Norfolk
- Memories of the 1953 North Sea Surge
- Seaweed dredging
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has recently carried out Environmental Impact Assessments for consent decisions on a large number of marine aggregate extraction sites, listed as follows: Click image to enlarge
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Continuing offshore aggregate dredging coupled with the recent powerful easterly gales have produced further escalated erosion along the East and North Norfolk coastline, much of which is populated and important to the Summer holiday market. We are again indebted to Aerial photographer Mike Page for these pictures. Click the photographs for a larger image […]
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In the past few weeks a twenty five mile stretch of the Norfolk and Suffolk coastline has had up to five metres of sand stripped off the beach and has lost over ten metres of dune protection, due to huge waves created by a sustained north easterly gale, taking the sand back to the chasms […]
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Andrew Fletcher has produced a short video showing the loss of the £1.5m Ridgemont House due to erosion, and how tree planting can at least mitigate the effects of this. He points out that were such measures used in the UK, making the concrete from sand from the surplus waste from quarries (like the Japanese […]
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Surfers are leading a campaign against plans to “dredge” millions of tonnes of sand from the seabed off Cornwall amid fears that it could wreck the shape and power of the coast’s waves. A minerals company is planning a 10-year project to recover tin washed out of old mine workings and now settled in sediment […]
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Damaging fishing methods and a lack of marine protected zones are being targeted by a renewed campaign to protect the world’s dwindling fish stocks, spearheaded by food writer Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. The dredging of seabeds with nets weighted with huge metal ploughs, tearing up all life, rocks and seaweeds and leaving a barren environment is one […]
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Mike King, a Marinet member, wrote to Norfolk’s Great Yarmouth Mercury about the urgent need for the protection of the Winterton – Horsey Dunes SSSISSSI Site of special scientific interest (Winterton Valley) from the depredations of coastal erosion. The Great Yarmouth Mercury published the letter on 2nd November 2012, and we reproduce the text here: […]
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The town of Great Yarmouth did not exist until the first few precarious fishermen’s cottages were built in the year 46 AD. Prior to this it was an intermittent tidal sand bank off the mouth of the River Yare, which a supply of sediment drift from the North and material from the river built up […]
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Normally along our North Sea coastline we experience beach sand loss and consequent dune attack from late December to early March, when the powerful northerly winds drive in big waves up our beaches and the undertow takes the disturbed sand out to sea. In late Spring, Summer and Autumn months, the opposite is true. Then […]
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An Anglia TV film recalling the great North Sea Surge of January 1953 can be seen by visiting the East Anglian Film Archive. Pictures of the damage and interviews with those recalling the event bring to our attention that such devastation could soon come again, perhaps even this winter. The cuts in the sea defence […]
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Another highly damaging exploitation of the sea and seabed has been brought to our attention by Ian Clark of Whitby. This time it is not seabed dredging for aggregate but commercial dredging of the seabed for seaweed, now ongoing in Norway. A copious explanation including two videos and links to further information is to be seen by going to http://stopptt.no Further […]